钕铁硼磁铁的主要原材料有:稀土金属钕、稀土金属镨、纯铁、铝、硼铁合金以及其他稀土原料Nd-Fe-B magnet processing tool有专用切片机、线切割机床、平磨机、双面机、打孔机、倒角机、电镀设备。钕铁硼磁铁、钐钴磁铁、铝镍钴磁铁、铁氧体磁铁制作工艺也有所不同。从工艺讲,有烧结钕铁硼磁铁和粘接钕铁硼磁铁,我们主要讲烧结钕铁硼磁铁。Manufacturing processSin... What should we pay attention to when using ferrite magnets?1. TemperatureIf the demagnetizing temperature of the magnet is higher than that of the magnet without magnetism for a long time, the dema... With the continuous expansion of the application scope of Brushless DC motor, the use of injection molding magnet is also increasing. Many users have a worry. Will the injection molding magnet dema... 磁铁是一个统称,铁氧体、钕铁硼、塑磁都是磁铁。塑磁一般是塑胶原料加铁氧体磁粉融合而成,磁力很低。铁氧体磁铁就是最常见的黑色(褐色)磁铁,磁力比较低。钕铁硼是目前磁力最强的磁铁,是以稀土金属为主的合金。按照磁性强弱程度来区分的话,钕铁硼磁性最... 根据《国务院关税税则委会员关于对原产于美国500亿美元进口商品加征关税的公告》的前沿公告,将对美加征关税商品清单二... |